Kate, Mother (1840-1923) Foundress of St Saviour's Priory, Haggerston, an autonomous
house of the Sisters of St Margaret, and Mother 1868-1923; Fr Patten claimed that hearing
her name in a psychic experience led him to ask Mother Cicely of that Priory to send Sisters
to help with the Shrine at a time when he was desperate for help in early 1947; Sisters in
Walsingham; photograph; see her biography by The Sisters of S. Saviour's Priory in the CLA
Oxford Prophets Series no 10 (1983).
Kemp, Bishop Eric Waldram b 27 Apr 1915; d 28 Nov 2009; Honorary Guardian 1977-98;
Emeritus 1998-2009; Bishop of Chichester 1974-2001.
Kempe, Charles Eamer 1837-1907; stained glass window of St Augustine of Hippo,
formerly in St Augustine’s Chapel, now set in the South Cloister; see Stained Glass Windows.
Kenilworth Priory is the building modelled at the feet of the effigy of Sir Geoffrey de
Clinton in the Shrine Church; he founded the Priory and this is incorrectly described as the
Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem in the text of the Shrine' s first Pocket Guide.
Kenrick, Fr Henry William Gordon led first walking pilgrimage to Walsingham 1935; and
see Fr Colin Stephenson’s reminiscences; and William Davage, 'Father Kenrick' in Pusey
House Journal 2008-2009, pp 16-17.
Kimbley, Susan Member of the Order of Our Lady of Walsingham from 2015.
King, Laurence d 9 Dec 1981; for obituary see ed Peter Cobb, Walsingham (1990), p 113;
architect of Guild of All Souls' Chapel and of the restored St Mary’s parish church after the
1961 fire; Lay Clerk of the Order of Our Lady of Walsingham 1960-81; responsible for
commissioning works from Gordon Beningfield, John Hayward and Siegfried Pietsch.
King, Major Patrick Whittenham Lay Guardian 1991-2006; Guardian Emeritus from 2006;
signature in the third column of the Guardians’ Roll; St George stall on north side of chancel.
King, Professor Ursula author of a learned study of pilgrimage to Walsingham during the
Middle Ages and today, written to accompany a German exhibition on pilgrimage in 1984;
although once described as "the best overview of Walsingham ever written" [for its time] it is
little known.
King Charles I Fr Patten had a great devotion to him and gave a statue soon after the
Shrine Church was opened; the statue was blessed 29 Jan 1939; at first placed in St Anne’s
chapel; 1972 when the south cloister was built it was resited in the niche below the Orthodox
(south) stairs; 1980 when the confessionals were built finally relocated to niche a few steps
up those stairs.
Kingdon, Fr Claude Drewitt 1859-1949; brother of Fr Reginald Kingdon [below];
bequeathed advowson of Whitstone (Devon) to the Shrine; see Michael Yelton, Outposts of
the Faith (2009), chapter 2.
Kingdon, Fr Reginald Arthur (known as Reggie) b 16 July 1868; d 26 Apr 1955; brother of
Fr Claude Kingdon [above]; Founding Priest Guardian 1931-46; Guardian Emeritus 1946-55;
was one of the first Guardians Emeriti as his fellow Guardians felt that it was time for him to
retire and created the status; signature in the first column of the Guardians’ Roll; All Saints
stall on south side of chancel; credited with advising Fr Patten to ask Mother Cicely SSM for
Sisters for Walsingham 1947, thus beginning a branch house of St Saviour’s Priory
(Haggerston); Vicar of St John Isle of Dogs 1917-48; see Eve Hostettler, The Anglican
Church on the Isle of Dogs (2004); Michael Yelton, Outposts of the Faith (2009), chapter 2;
Michael Yelton, The Twenty One (2009), pp 71-73; photograph in Guardians Gallery.
Kitchin [not Kitchen], Audrey Everard b 10 May 1894; d 22 Nov 1969; frequent pilgrim
in the 1920s and 1930s; left many early photographs and postcards to the Shrine.
Klyberg, Bishop Charles John Guardian 1991-97; signature in the third column of the
Guardians’ Roll; St Columba stall on south side of chancel.
Knights Gate owned and sold by the Shrine several times; at one time a popular café; last
purchased 2002; last sold 2005 and now developed into private homes.
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Lambert, Uvedale Henry b 25 Apr 1909; d 15 Sept 1983; Lay Guardian 1952-83; for
obituary see ed Peter Cobb, Walsingham (1990), pp 99-100; signature in the first column of
the Guardians’ Roll; St Edward stall on north side of chancel; photograph in Guardians
Lauderdale, [17th] Earl of (Patrick Maitland) b 17 Mar 1911; d 2 Dec 2008; Lay Guardian
1955-82; Emeritus 1982-2008; inherited his title 1968; signature in the second column of
the Guardians’ Roll; St Hilary stall on north side of chancel; and see William Davage, ‘Anglo-
Catholicism and Aristocracy’ (reprint of First Clumber Lecture, 2009, available from Worksop
Priory); referred to as The Hon Patrick Maitland, The Master of Lauderdale, before succeeding
to the title; photograph in Guardians Gallery.
Lawson, Fr Alexander Cuthbert b 1904; d 17 May 1966; according to 1939 National
Register he was the adopted son of Fr Roger Wodehouse (Founding Priest Guardian); quietly
influential in Fr Patten’s restoration of the Shrine 1931; persuaded Fr Patten to dress the
image of Our Lady of Walsingham according to medieval custom; gave the silver ‘Oxford’
Crown; an authority on European Marian shrines; Vicar of St Ives (Hunts) 1946-62; for
obituary see ed Peter Cobb, Walsingham (1990), p 117.
League of Our Lady second pilgrimage 1923; League pilgrimages from Birmingham from
1932; 1931 the League of Our Lady (founded 1904) amalgamated with the Confraternity of
Our Lady (founded 1880) to become The Society of Mary; the League played a vital role in
the revival of pilgrimage to Walsingham, from its first pilgrimage in October 1922, three
months after the statue was set up in the parish church; some of its officers were original
Guardians of the Shrine; a souvenir book of photographs - People, Places and Things (2006)
contains many photographs with Walsingham connections.
lectern in the Shrine church given 1996 in memory of Fr Carefull by the Theodore Trust (a
charitable trust which he had set up before he died); made by Simon Marshall.
Legend of Norfolk A short film on the history of Walsingham and the Shrine made by the
Catholic Truth Society 1937, prepared by Martin Gillett.
Leonard, Bishop Graham Douglas b 8 May 1921; d 6 Jan 2010; Honorary Guardian
1970–2000; Bishop of Truro 1973-81; Bishop of London 1981-91.
Leonard, Mrs Priscilla wife of Bishop Graham Leonard [above]; opened Richeldis House 1
May 1990 (see Walsingham Review Assumptiontide 1990); Honorary Member of the Order of
Our Lady of Walsingham 1986.
Lingwood, Fr Derrick Albert b 17 Mar 1910; d 5 Apr 1972; from a local Walsingham
family; Founding Lay Guardian 1931; became Priest Guardian on ordination 23 Sept 1934;
Bursar and Registrar 1931-56; Member of the Community of St Augustine until 1953;
signature in the first column of the Guardians’ Roll; St Patrick stall on north side of chancel;
for obituary see ed Peter Cobb, Walsingham (1990), pp 100-102; one of the six carved
heads in the Shrine church roof; he features throughout Michael Yelton’s biography of Fr
Patten; left Walsingham to become incumbent of St Martin's, Barton, Torquay 1956, and
married later that year; photograph in Guardians Gallery; his chapel was St Hugh and St
Patrick; and see Sir Winston Churchill.
Little Guide, The Fr Patten's first guide to the newly-opened Holy House, October 1931, and
editions in 1932, 1935, 1938, 1939; scanned copies of two editions; available on Publications
Littler, Gwyneth gave the long brown rosary to the Shrine, still used in Shrine prayers.
Living Rosary of Our Lady and St Dominic the statue on south side of Annunciation Altar
given 1952 in memory of Martin Havergal by members of the Living Rosary of Our Lady and
St Dominic (founded 1905); replaced in the 1980s by the new Richeldis statue, but soon
restored (to north side) at the request of the Order.
Lloyd, Fr Denys CR Guardian 1986-90; signature in the third column of the Guardians’ Roll;
St Columba stall on south side of chancel.
Lloyd, the Misses were in Fr Patten's congregation at Carshalton 1920-21 and later moved
to Walsingham to help in the early days of the Restoration of the Shrine.
Lockett, Fr Paul Honorary Chaplain to the Queen 2012-18; Chantry Priest 2012-17;
Member of the Order of Our Lady of Walsingham from 2012.
Loddiges, Miss Helena 1880-1975; Dame of the Order of Our Lady of Walsingham 1953-
75; she is thought to have contributed financially to St Joseph's chapel; the Shrine has a
chalice engraved underfoot with "Pray for Helena Loddiges".
London Committee for Walsingham Fr Fynes-Clinton pioneered the promotion of the
Walsingham restoration to London churches; 1920s founded informal clergy committee called
the Walsingham Clergy Fund, to supplement Fr Patten's meagre stipend and to enable an
assistant priest to be appointed; during changing circumstances of wartime in 1943 this
became the London Committee for Walsingham, chaired by Fr Twisaday; concentrated on
building up Devotions in May and October, when money was raised for the Shrine, on
arranging a London mass in July, and on propaganda and advertisement for the Shrine and
its activities; organised the Priests' Pilgrimages, relieving Shrine Office of work, and arranged
Walsingham meetings in towns and cities in southern England; then changed name to the
Central Committee for Walsingham; behind the 1957 Appeal, and the formation of the
Friends of Walsingham; its work later subsumed into the general reorganisations of Shrine
London pilgrimage, first 1928, led by Fr Eves of St Alban's Holborn.
Long, George Edwin b 6 Mar 1887; d 23 Oct 1960; Founding Lay Guardian 1931; signature
in the first column of the Guardians’ Roll; St Wilfrid stall on south side of chancel;
churchwarden at St Mary's, Walsingham; an Army Captain in WW1, and became Shrine
gardener and Fr Patten's right-hand man, whom Fr Patten described in his Will as his
“devoted manservant”; father of (Mildred) Joy, who was also closely involved with the
Shrine, and worked in the Sanctuary School; the family lived at Vicarage Cottage;
photograph in Guardians Gallery.
long brown rosary given by Gwyneth Littler and still used in Shrine prayers.
Lury, Fr Harford Elton b 3 Oct 1867 (not 1869 as sometimes given); d 1 Jan 1940;
Founding Priest Guardian 1931; signature in the first column of the Guardians’ Roll; St John
Vianney (Curé d’Ars) stall on south side of chancel; Vicar of St Peter Limehouse 1921-37;
and see Michael Yelton, The Twenty One (2009), pp 73-76; Michael Yelton, More Empty
Tabernacles (2014), chapter 2; photograph in Guardians Gallery.
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McIntyre, Amanda Lay Guardian from 2015; signature in the fourth column of the
Guardians’ Roll; St Joseph stall on north side of chancel.
McIntyre, Fr Mark CMP Guardian from 2019; signature in the fourth column of the
Guardians’ Roll; St Augustine stall on north side of chancel.
Maclagan, Sir Eric William Dalrymple b 14 Dec 1879; d 14 Sept 1951; Founding Lay
Guardian 1931; signature in the first column of the Guardians’ Roll; St Edward stall on north
side of chancel; son of Archbishop Maclagan of York; Director of the Victoria and Albert
Museum, London, 1924-44; knighted 1933; Fr Patten’s list of the new College of Guardians
in the Autumn 1931 edition of Our Lady’s Mirror gives his surname as “McDyles”, a mistake
easily attributable to Fr Patten himself: the name was never misspelled again, but the
mistake has been perpetuated on a recent anglican history website, clearly taken from the
1941 OLM list of Guardians, but now describing him as “Sir Eric McDyles Maclagan”!
photograph in Guardians Gallery.
Maitland, Patrick see under Lauderdale, Earl of
Mantle, Richard Lay Guardian from 1998; signature in the third column of the Guardians’
Roll; St Clare stall on north side of chancel.
maps Enid Chadwick's 1935 map of the village; revised 1963; an edited version of the 1963
map was prepared for the Shrine's Pocket Guide, with later additions; the current bird's-eye-
view plan of the grounds was drawn by Jeremy Bays, 2006.
Margaret Mary, Sister and Mother d 18 Apr 1969; returned to Haggerston in 1968 and is
buried in the SSM burial plot in the City of London Cemetery; memorial in St Mary's
Walsingham churchyard; Dame of the Order of Our Lady of Walsingham 1960-69; one of the
three sisters who arrived from Haggerston 16 Apr 1947; played the Shrine organ when
necessary; The Sisters in Walsingham; photographs and obituary.
Marie Louise, Princess 1872-1956; granddaughter of Queen Victoria; visited as a pilgrim
frequently before the War and claimed to be "the first of our family to visit Walsingham since
Henry VIII".
Marlow, Barbara Lay Guardian 1997-2012; Guardian Emerita from 2012; first female
Guardian; signature in the third column of the Guardians’ Roll; St Hugh stall on south side of
married Guardians see The Guardians
Marshall, Simon maker of the memorial lectern and items of sanctuary furniture in the
Shrine church.
Martin, Andrew worked in the Shrine and acted occasionally as beadle 1954-1956; Leonard
Whitmore was appointed in 1954.
Mary Kathleen, Sister d 2007; Dame of the Order of Our Lady of Walsingham 1990-2007.
Mary Lioba, Sister see The Anchoresses
Mary Magdalene, Mother see The Anchoresses
Mary Phillida, Sister see The Anchoresses
Mary Teresa, Sister and Mother d 12 Jan 2021; Member of the Order of Our Lady of
Walsingham 2000-21; see The Sisters in Walsingham.
Maryon-Wilson, The Revd Sir George Percy Maryon [12th] bt b 22 Feb 1897; d 11 July
1965; Guardian 1935-65; Vicar St Mary’s Somers Town; inherited title 1944; signature in the
first column of the Guardians’ Roll; St George stall on north side of chancel; photograph in
Guardians Gallery.
Masters of the Guardians see list of.
medieval Walsingham the Shrine holds no archives of medieval Walsingham but in the
Medieval website there are copies of articles and documents relating to its archaeology and
history; there are also copies of Fr Patten's writings on the medieval Shrine.
Milky Way see Walsingham Way
Miller, Fr Geoffrey d 2019; Guild of All Souls Chantry priest 1991.
Miller, John drew an impression of the original (medieval) Shrine Chapel, a drawing used
inside the front and back covers of the hard back edition of Mary’s Shrine of the Holy House,
Walsingham (1954), and elsewhere.
Milliken, Miss Matron of St Hilary’s 1942-48.
Milner, Sir William Frederick Victor Mordaunt [8th] bt b 2 Oct 1893; d 29 Mar 1960
(not 19 Mar as sometimes given); major benefactor of the Shrine, giving land and great
financial assistance, and many unreported acts of generosity; inherited his title 8 June 1931,
thus being correctly described as ‘Sir William’ when the College of Guardians was formed;
Founding Lay Guardian 1931; signature in the first column of the Guardians’ Roll; St Wilfrid
stall on south side of chancel; for obituary see ed Peter Cobb, Walsingham (1990), pp 102-
104; and see Heather M Beaumont, Sir William Milner (1985); buried in Burnsall churchyard,
not in the specially-consecrated ground at Parcevall Hall as he had wished; one of the six
carved heads in the Shrine church roof; photograph in Guardians Gallery; iconic photograph
at head of Translation procession 1931; his reminiscences.
Milner & Craze architectural partnership of Sir William Milner and Romilly Bernard Craze;
responsible for design of many of the Shrine buildings and of Parcevall Hall.
Milner Wing Appeal for the building of this Wing opened Nov 2005; building began June
2007; handed over by builders Oct 2008; opened for use Nov 2008; official opening by the
Duke of Edinburgh 8 Oct 2009; includes the Welcome Centre, which tells the story of
Walingham in words, pictures and a specially-commissioned film.
'Miss Will' name by which Miss Dorothy Williams was affectionately known.
Mitcham, Andrew Mark Guardian 2002-16.
Monahan, Bridget b 19 May 1910; d 15 Aug 2009; Dame of the Order of Our Lady of
Walsingham 1992-2009; encouraged Sister Mary Lioba as anchoress in Walsingham grounds;
daughter of Fr William Beattie Monahan of St Swithun's with Old St Martin's, Worcester;
1931 her eldest sister was the first person to lead a Children's Pilgrimage to Walsingham,
from St Mary the Virgin Kettering, where her husband, Fr Douglas Cooper, was Vicar for 19
years; reminiscences.
Mond family Ludwig Mond (1839-1909) built a collection of Old Master paintings, many of
which were given to the National Gallery in London; one granddaughter, Rosalind, married
Ernest Northen; another, her cousin Frida Brackley, gave the painting in the Chapel of the
Ascension to the Shrine; see Benefactors Book.
Money, Richard local stone carver who did work in the 1938 Shrine Church.
Morley [not Morely], John Geoffrey Nicholson b 17 Apr 1905; d 15 Apr 1983; Lay
Guardian 1964-68 (installed just before the blessing of the North Cloister); Guardian
Emeritus 1968-83; signature in the second column of the Guardians’ Roll; his name is not on
a Guardians’ stall; Times political journalist.
Morris, David Freestone [Augustine in religion] b 19 Aug 1905; d 20 Jan 1997;
Guardian 1960-80; signature in the second column of the Guardians’ Roll; St John stall on
north side of chancel; Abbot of Nashdom 1948-74; photograph in Guardians Gallery.
Morris, Stephen Lay Guardian 2008-11; signature in the fourth column of the Guardians’
Roll; St George stall on north side of chancel.
Mortimer, Robert Cecil d 11 Sept 1976; Honorary Guardian 1970-76; Bishop of Exeter
Mother see under name in religion.
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