The Benefactors' Book

This book, created by Enid Chadwick and completed in 1952, records first of all the gift to the Shrine in 1950 of a painting from Mrs Frida Brackley to be hung in the proposed new War Memorial Chapel; the chapel was never built and the picture, no longer attributed to Bazzi (Sodoma) but to one of his contemporaries and now professionally cleaned and restored, hangs in the chapel of St Francis and St Clare (The Ascension). Then follow a reproduction of the picture, a catalogue description, a list of donors to the new Chapel and the names of the Guardians of the time. The Book was placed in its glass case in the Shrine Church in 1966. this web page is created as showing another example of Enid Chadwick's work rather than a means of displaying the names of the donors, who would not wish that