1931 start page
1931 Timeline:
In ENGLAND King George V was on the throne, Ramsay MacDonald was Prime Minister, Cosmo
Lang was Archbishop of Canterbury and Bertram Pollock was Bishop of Norwich. It was the year in
which England left the Gold Standard, there was a Census, and Whipsnade Zoo opened. In
NORFOLK the East Anglian earthquake shock was felt throughout the county, there was the
largest cliff fall for thirty years, the first letter was delivered in Norwich by air mail, and you could
come on pilgrimage to Walsingham by train.
top of page
The iconic photograph of the Translation of the
image from the parish church to the new Holy
House. Sir William Milner processes in front of the
image, carrying a candle. Click here for more
details and enlarged photograph
Fr Patten compiled this album as a record of the building
of the Holy House and covering church from June 27th to
October 16th 1931. It has 34 pages, with 165 pictures. He
dated, numbered and captioned 110 of them. All the
photographs, except duplicates, are on the website, in
their original order.
One pilgrim's reminiscences of
being present at key moments in
the Shrine’s history in 1922, 1931
and 1938
Another description of the 1931
Translation events written by a
visitor - a churchwarden from St
Mary's, Bourne Street: beautifully
observed, like the above, with
similar touches not found in the
press accounts of the time