
Donald Hole, England's Nazareth, A History of the Holy Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham (1939: 8 editions), extensively revised by Colin Stephenson and others in later years. Colin Stephenson, Walsingham Way (1970) and Merrily on High (1972) the first is a history of the Shrine and biography of Fr Patten, and the second the autobiography of the author, who was his successor as Master of the Guardians and Administrator. These were both reprinted in 2008, with new Prefaces to each written by Fr Gordon Reid. John Barnes, Alfred Hope Patten (1983); originally published by the Church Literature Association as number 5 in their 'Oxford Prophets' series; reprinted later as a booklet. ed Peter Cobb, Walsingham (1990) compilation of articles and photographs mainly from Our Lady's Mirror and Walsingham Review recording the development of the Shrine. Its only fault is that it has no index. Martin Warner, Walsingham, An Ever-Circling Year (1996). Michael Yelton, Alfred Hope Patten and the Shrine of Our Lady of Walsingham an illustrated biography (2006; 2nd edition 2022) The second edition is revised, with much new material, including more photographs than in the first edition. Michael Yelton, Alfred Hope Patten: his life and times in pictures (2007) photographs left out of the major biography in 2006 (above): there is also a useful introductory Short Life. ed Philip North and John North, Sacred Space (2007) eight essays exploring ideas that underlie the historic connections between place, holiness and travel: originally delivered as lectures at a series of study days in 2006 organised as part of the Shrine's 75th anniversary celebrations. ed Dominic Janes and Gary Waller, Walsingham in Literature and Culture from the Middle Ages to Modernity (2010). John Rayne-Davis and Peter Rollings, Walsingham: England's National Shrine of Our Lady (2010) a history, with spiritual reflections by Fr Rollings. Michael Rear, Walsingham: Pilgrims and Pilgrimage (2011; 2nd edn 2019) a comprehensive history of pilgrims and pilgrimage to Walsingham from the pre-Christian era to the present day by an author uniquely placed to write it. The second edition has much new material. Gary Waller, Walsingham and the English Imagination (2011). William Davage, Vicars of Walsingham 1921-2021 (2021) Profiles of Fr Patten and successive parish priests of Walsingham, published to commemorate the centenary year of Fr Patten’s appointment. OTHER BOOKS WITH SIGNIFICANT WALSINGHAM REFERENCES Peter F Anson, A Roving Recluse (1946) these memoirs describe on pp 197-205 his time in Walsingham. Pinions [pen-name of Sister Mary Lioba], Wind on the Sand (1980) subtitled 'The hidden life of an anchoress': a detailed spiritual autobiography, including her time as an anchoress at Walsingham. Ursula King, ‘England's Nazareth: Pilgrimages to Walsingham during the Middle Ages and Today’, was written as part (pages 527-541) of a publication by the Bayerisches Nationalmuseum in Munich to accompany a pan-European exhibition called 'Pilgrimage Knows No Frontiers' [Wallfahrt kennt keine Grenzen](1984); despite its having been described for its time as "the best overview of Walsingham ever written", a copy of this paper only recently surfaced in the archives and seems little known elsewhere. For copyright reasons we cannot reproduce it on this website, but if anyone wishes to borrow our copy of the paper - we do not have the whole book - please contact the archivist. Francis Penhale, Catholics in Crisis (1986) Chapter 7 is entirely about Walsingham; notes and references are on pp 163-165. Michael Yelton, Anglican Papalism (2005) There are several pages on Walsingham in Chapter 7 and it is referred to on pages 19- 21 of the same author's Peter Anson: Monk, Writer and Artist (2005). Anson's 1931 drawing of the Holy House is on page 66. [Bishop] Eric Kemp, Shy but not Retiring (2006) these memoirs of Bishop Kemp, an Honorary Guardian, contain references to Walsingham, but the book has no index. See pp 246-47. In This Sign Conquer (2006), a history of the SSC, has no index of places, but there are references to Walsingham throughout the book. The name index includes many well-known 'Walsingham' priests, but note that the index has errors and omissions. People, Places and Things (2006), a souvenir book of photographs to commemorate the 75th anniversary of the Society of Mary. Many of them have Walsingham connections. Frank Wain, A Fair Young Curate (2007) is an annotated edition, by his son, of his diary for the year 1938. Pages 43-51, reproduced here, describe a week in Walsingham in July, giving the reader a glimpse of everyday life in the village and Shrine. The whole diary gives a vivid picture of ordinary church life at that time, alongside the growing national unease at the prospect of another Great War. Michael Yelton, Outposts of the Faith (2009) describing ten country parishes where the Anglo-Catholic movement flourished; references throughout to Walsingham, and to many of its Guardians, priests and people. Michael Yelton, The Twenty One: An Anglo-Catholic Rebellion in London, 1929 (2009) detailing the principled stand of 21 Catholic priests in London (five of whom were later to become founding Guardians of the Shrine) against the Bishop's Directions in the aftermath of the rejection of the 1928 Prayer Book. Michael Farrer, One Part of London: Aspects of Anglo-Catholicism in Camden (2009) contains passing references to Fr Patten and many others connected with Walsingham. James Rattue, Something Other Than We Are: an informal history of Catholic ideals in the Church of England (2009) A reading of the changing fortunes of the Catholic position in the Church of England from Henry VIII to the present day, thus including many mentions of Walsingham and of priests and people connected with it. Philip Corbett and William Davage, Defend and Maintain (2009) A history of the Church Union, 1859-2009: passing references to people connected with Walsingham, and many mentions of Lord Halifax, a founding Guardian and the Union's sometime President. John Gunstone, Lift High the Cross (2010) This history of the Anglo-Catholic Congresses between the wars includes references to priests and laymen later closely connected with Walsingham, although the index does not include all their names. A T John Salter, The Anglican Papalist: A Personal Portrait of Henry Joy Fynes-Clinton (2012) This biography of one of the greatest benefactors of the Shrine describes his part, with Fr Patten and Sir William Milner, in restoring it, and mentions many Guardians. Chapter Eight contains the first fully detailed account of the strong Orthodox links with the Shrine in its early days. ___________ Other core books on differing aspects of Walsingham P J Goodrich, Walsingham, its History and its Shrine (1937) H M Gillett, Walsingham, The History of a Famous Shrine (1946) Leonard E Whatmore, Highway to Walsingham (1973) Claude Fisher, Walsingham, A Place of Pilgrimage for all People (1983) Arthur Bond, The Walsingham Story (1988) Elizabeth Ruth Obbard, The History and Spirituality of Walsingham (1995) Peter Rollings, Walsingham, England's Nazareth (1998) Elizabeth Ruth Obbard, Every Pilgrim's Guide to Walsingham, 'England's Nazareth' (2007) [based on her two earlier books - the one listed above and A Walsingham Prayer Book] Walsingham: Pilgrimage and History (1999), is a collection of papers first presented at the Centenary Historical Conference of the Roman Catholic National Shrine in March 1998. As well as papers on the medieval shrine and modern Roman Catholic developments, there are substantial articles on the history of the village. The final paper by Fr Peter Cobb on the development of modern-day pilgrimage details succinctly the modern history of both shrines at that date. The transactions of a similar Historical Conference held in March 2011 published as Walsingham: Richeldis 950 Pilgrimage and History (2012). The content is similar to that described in the above paragraph, with the final paper being given by Bishop Lindsay Urwin OGS on 'Walsingham Today and Tomorrow'. Bruno Scott James, Asking for Trouble (1962) The autobiography of Father Bruno Scott James, Walsingham's first Roman Catholic priest and first custodian of the Slipper Chapel since the Reformation, has many references to the village and to both Shrines, in particular in Chapters 7 and 16. John E Barnes, George Ratcliffe Woodward 1848-1934, Priest, Poet and Musician (1996) This biography of another famous vicar of Walsingham (1882-88) has only two references to Fr Patten, and Fr Woodward’s fame derived from his carol compositions and revival of plainsong, not from the village; but his vicarage was where Fr Patten later lived and in Chapter 3 we can picture life there in the 1880s. There is also a photograph of Dr Woodward playing the euphonium outside the vicarage. The author was another former vicar of Walsingham. Graham Howard, A Fire in Walsingham (2011) Commemorating in words and pictures the fiftieth anniversary of the fire which almost destroyed the parish church on 14 July 1961. Eamon Duffy, A People’s Tragedy: Studies in Reformation (2020) Chapter 10 summarizes the development of the Shrine from its medieval beginnings until today.

Some of the best-known books about Fr Patten and the restored Shrine

(for more books about the original Shrine and its history see the Bibliography and

Archaeology pages of the Medieval website)