Fr Peter Cobb was well known to pilgrims at Walsingham, particularly as a Guardian since
1986, and as Master of the Guardians between 1996 and 2006. Thereafter he remained a
Guardian Emeritus. He died in 2010.
As well as being a much-loved parish priest he was a church historian and
had a wide sweep of research interests. Few will know, however, how much
the Walsingham archives owe to him, both for the gift of all his Walsingham
books and papers, and for his work on what had become a somewhat
neglected archive collection in past decades.
When Fr Peter became a Guardian over thirty years ago, before the onset
of universal genealogy, there was little public awareness of archives and
their potential. But he was an archivist's historian: he knew the value of
archives in his own historical research, he knew how to use them and he
knew what was needed for Walsingham.
In 1988 he invited Elizabeth Ralph, City Archivist of Bristol 1936-71 and
also a Bristol church history colleague and a parishioner, to do preliminary
sorting of the collection and to compile a simple catalogue. After that he
kept a watching brief, adding and annotating. Later he was instrumental in arranging for me to take on
the archive work, in an honorary capacity, but never gave up his own interest in, and contributions to,
the collection.
While I had agreed to concentrate first on the most important task of recapturing records of Fr Patten's
time and of some of the archivally-lean years thereafter, he was keen that we should also set up
schemes to preserve the current ephemera of the Shrine - the circulars, pamphlets and publicity
literature that people forget to save.
In his own research over many years he had collected every reference he found to medieval
Walsingham and to the earliest days of the restored Shrine. Many of these notes are thriftily written in
half-used old exercise books, some notebooks dating as far back as his schooldays in Matlock - in the
very building that later became the Derbyshire county record office - and to his Oxford days. Then
there are the backs of old letters and envelopes, parish papers, scraps of all shapes and sizes, and
even scribbles inside his own copies of Shrine services, when he must have seen or heard of some new
Walsingham fact.
He wrote and spoke widely about the history of the Shrine: particularly important was his contribution
to the National Shrine's Centenary Conference in 1998. In 1990 he had edited Walsingham, a
compilation of articles and photographs taken from Our Lady's Mirror and the Walsingham Review: this
was the first published look at the development of the Shrine through its own archives.
In his library was a fine personal collection of books on Walsingham and of memorabilia collected over
the years. Contrary to approved practice, which didn't bother him, his own copies of books and
pamphlets were heavily annotated, and how valuable these glosses are. During his last illness he had
passed his collection over to the Shrine, and the pages of this website gradually reflect this.
Within a record office former colleagues live on in their handwritten cards and notes which are still an
important part of its memory bank, despite the advent of computers. In Walsingham our collection will
for ever have the stamp of Fr Peter Cobb, whom we will recall with affection, respect and gratitude.
link to Fr Peter’s entry in the Index giving all references to him across this website
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Fr Peter Cobb
and the Walsingham Archives