As we work on the archives we find gaps in series:
perhaps someone has a copy of what we need and would
be willing to send us a photocopy. We concentrate mainly on
tthe records of Fr Patten’s lifetime (i.e. up to 1958), although
there are many gaps in the later series. He often issued “wants”
lists as he furnished the new buildings, and here are some of
our present needs.
We already have one copy of a few of the items listed below,
but we like to keep two copies of the rarer ones.
Pilgrims' Manuals:
3rd (1949), 4th (1951), 6th (1957)
National Pilgrimage programmes:
1960, 1963, 1964, 1966
St Hilary's - Report and Accounts booklets:
Our gaps in this beautiful series, with covers by Enid Chadwick,
1953, 1957, 1960, 1962
There were probably none before 1944 or after 1970
information about the film made by Fr Ronald Wills in 1960
called "The Walsingham Story" - and preferably a copy of it
top of page
There is no pressure
whatever on anyone to
donate their precious
memorabilia to the archives.
Some people do send items
to us, which are always
gratefully received, but we
will be very happy with
photocopies or scans of our
missing items. It is the
information within whch
matters most.
eBay - Walsingham postcards
There are always Walsingham items for sale on eBay, mostly postcards. We have a
large collection of them already and rarely need to buy one. If you see any other
memorabilia for sale elsewhere which doesn’t seem to be mentioned on our
Publications site or the Select Index, please let us know by contacting the
honorary archivist, and if you intend to donate something, please ask us first ...
thank you to everyone
who does donate their
own Walsingham items
or those which come to
them after the death of
a relative or friend.