Catholic League Pilgrimages
early Pilgrimages to Walsingham 1931-41
Together with the League of Our Lady, The Catholic League
provided the earliest framework of regular group pilgrimages to
the restored Shrine. What follows are all the reports of CL pilgrimages
in their journal The Messenger from 1926. The pilgrimage in 1926 was
made by a group of priests, and the first general pilgrimage was made
in the following year. These great early pilgrimages are brought vividly
to life here.
These extracts, from a bound volume lent to us by a pilgrim, are
reproduced here by kind permission of the Director of the Catholic
Opposition to the honour given to Our Lady of Walsingham, long expected by those who know the ways of the
enemy, has been stirred up and the Bishop has felt it incumbent on him to demand the removal of the Shrine from
the Church. This, however, is likely to lead to a great increase of the devotion, as it is proposed to build a Chapel
very close to the ancient site on ground secure in the hands of a trust, where the Sacred Image may rest. There,
in a simple Home, constructed after the measure of the old Shrine, it will be we may hope safe from the
vicissitudes of the abuses that may arise from future appointments, to the Vicarage. We most heartily commend
the appeal issued by Father Hope Patten for £2,000 for the building. Donations to this and to the general
Walsingham Fund will be gratefully received by Fr Fynes-Clinton, Chairman of the Walsingham Fund Council.
The fifth Annual Pilgrimage of the League will take place as usual on Whit-Tuesday, returning on Thursday, under the direction
of Fr Fynes-Clinton. Our preacher will be the Very Reverend Arch-Priest Nicholas Behr, the
distinguished and loved priest at the Russian Church in London. We hope that an effort will be
made by all who can to take part in this critical year and to show our appreciation of the fact
that for the first time a member of the glorious Martyr Church of Russia comes to share with us
in our devotion. We hope that the Archdeacon, the Rev V Theocritoff may also come.
Our special Intentions this year will be (a) For the triumph of Our Lady’s cause at Walsingham;
(b) for the liberation from persecution of the Church of Russia.
Messenger 71: 1931
In response to a request from Walsingham, we are arranging a Bank Holiday Weekend Pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady of
Walsingham. Full particulars on enclosed leaflet. Further copies of the Leaflet for handing to friends will be sent on receipt of a
post-card at the Office and also posters for those who can arrange to have them displayed in Churches. This experiment, we
hope, will make the Pilgrimage possible for those who cannot leave work during the week. Early applications are a great
assistance to the organisers and also ensure accommodation, which the greater numbers expected may make it impossible to
allocate to late applicants.
Messenger 72: 1931
It is generally known by this time that opposition to the honour given to our Blessed Lady in her ancient and chosen home in
England has led, we may be sure by Divine Providence, to the building of a new Chapel to house the holy Image, on ground secured
under trust. The building which is nearing completion is the same in dimensions as the ancient one of “England’s Nazareth,” so
renowned throughout Europe and gathering for five centuries countless throngs of the lovers of Mary. Wonderful have been the
unexpected discoveries since the choice of the site. Without question it is part of the old Abbey grounds, even probably part of the
court of Our Lady’s “House”: the old Saxon well discovered on the site of the new Chapel after the foundations were commenced,
actually feeds the sacred well where the Pilgrims bathed by the Abbey Church: indeed this fact and the finding of Ancient
foundations beneath the site point to the possibility that we have the very place Our Lady first chose for the primitive Shrine and
holy springs.
The restoration of the National Holy Place is an act of witness both in England and throughout the world that some at least are
faithful to pure Christianity; and the blessings that will inevitably follow the increase of devotion and prayer and be granted to Her
intercession, will bring about more surely than all our controversies and polemics the Reformation of English religion which is the
crying need of the times. Gifts of all manner of adornments and things for use in the Chapel and donations are asked for.
All members are asked to attend this if at all possible, October 15th. Priests and Servers are asked
to take part vested in the Pontifical Services and Procession of Translation of the Image: and others
in veils and other insignia of Mary Guilds. A special train is being run from Liverpool Street, London
at 7.42 am and will return in the evening. Inclusive return fare 13/-. Voucher can be obtained from
the C.L. Secretary at our office, to whom please signify whether the following will be required:
Breakfast (2/6), Dinner (4/-) on the train: Buffet lunch (1/3), Tea (1/-) at Walsingham. The train
will stop on both journeys at Cambridge and Wymondham, (fares in proportion). Application should
be made as soon as possible enclosing fare, and tickets can only be had before the day. Please
make this known.
Messenger 74: 1932
Our sixth annual Pilgrimage is arranged for Whit-Tuesday to Thursday. The Right Reverend Bishop O'Rorke will be our preacher,
and we hope that our Russian friend, Fr Nicholas Behr will again be our guest. As this is the first League visit to the new
Sanctuary we must try to show our thanksgiving by increasing our numbers. It is suggested that a Children’s Pilgrimage be
held next year. The Secretary would be glad to hear of any who might be able to come. We commend the National Pilgrimage to
be organised in connection with the Centenary of the Catholic Revival in England, for the first week in July 1933 as a great act
of Witness to the Faith.
In order to promote a greater understanding and enthusiasm among Church people in the matter of Pilgrimages and especially
of that to our own beloved Shrine of England’s Nazareth, the Walsingham Committee has initiated a plan of Lectures illustrated
with Lantern Slides. Two Lectures and sets of slides are available for hire, the first on Pilgrimages in general with pictures of a
large number of the greater holy places in Europe and Palestine: the second on Walsingham. These would be very suitable for
parochial and Mary-Guild meetings, and we hope C.L. priests will help by giving them wherever possible.
An image of Our Lady of Walsingham, carved by Mr Martin Travers, has been erected in the Lady Chapel of St Magnus’ the
Martyr, as the Shrine for the Fraternity de Salve Regina and a starting place for the Pilgrimages from London.
Messenger 76: 1933
In the week following the Anglo-Catholic Congress Centenary functions there is to be a Centenary pilgrimage to the Holy
House. As far as the programme has been settled up to date it will consist of two parts. First, the ordinary three day
pilgrimage from Tuesday to Thursday, with this exception that it is proposed to run a special train from London for the central
day, July 19th, to bring pilgrims to Walsingham in time for the Pontifical High Mass which Bishop O'Rorke has kindly promised
to sing. This special train will leave in time to get the pilgrims back to London in the late evening. Breakfast and Dinner will be
served en route. Apart from this, the programme will follow the ordinary course. The second part is to consist of a weekend
visit from July 22nd to either the next day or Monday, the 24th. The intention of the pilgrimage is to return thanks to God for
the revival, especially the restoration of the Catholic teaching on the mystery of the Incarnation and Our Lady’s part in the
Divine scheme of salvation. It is not too early to book now, and intending pilgrims should do so, as the accommodation is very
limited. Applications can be made to the Pilgrimage Secretary, The Vicarage, Walsingham, accompanied with the booking fee
of five shillings which is not returnable.
Please state clearly which pilgrimage you are booking for:-
(a) The two day visit, July 18th to 20th.
(b) The day visit (by train) July 19th.
The day visit (by road, making your own arrangements), July 19th.
(c) The week end pilgrimage, July 22nd.
(1) Two day pilgrimage, full board, return rail from London, etc. £2.11.0.
(2) Day pilgrimage, return rail, etc. (Excursion fare announced later).
(3) Weekend visit, full board, etc. (two nights) £2.11.0 (with rail).
Weekend visit, full board, etc. (one night), 14/- (without rail).
Late bookings may cost a little more, as it may entail sleeping in the neighbouring villages, and so extra cost for transport.
The C.L. will join with the Society of Mary in arranging the usual Pilgrimage in May: but this is intended for those who cannot
attend those in July. A Children’s Pilgrimage is being arranged for August. Particulars from C.L. office.
Messenger 77: 1933
As we hope that all who possibly can, will attend the National Centenary Pilgrimage in July, we are arranging for May 30th to
June 1st a joint pilgrimage with the Society of Mary, for those unable to go in July.
Director: The Rev H J Fynes-Clinton
Preacher: The Rev Fr Bede Frost, OSB
Cost of the Pilgrimage:-
The inclusive charges are – return fares from London via King’s Cross and Fakenham, and motor thence to Walsingham, full
board and accommodation £2.11s. Pilgrims coming by other routes can obtain accommodation tickets (for full board and
lodging), price £1.8s.6d.
Tea on the train for those coming from London, 1/- extra.
All meals, except tea on Wednesday, are taken at the Hospice of Our Lady Star of the Sea.
Pilgrims coming to Walsingham for the first time will find the Official Manual necessary, 1/3.
For forms of application send to C.L. Pilgrimage Secretary, C.L. Office, 11 City Road, EC1 or Pilgrimage Secretary, Walsingham
Vicarage, Norfolk.
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Order of Pilgrimage
Tuesday, May 30th
12.15 Sung Mass and Blessing of Pilgrims in the Church of St Magnus-the Martyr, (Monument Station).
3.00 Leave King’s Cross, arriving at Fakenham Town. Motor to Walsingham.
7.00 Arrive at Walsingham and first visit to the Sanctuary and Holy House.
8.30 Solemn Vespers, Address and Benediction. Confession. Evening visit to the Holy House.
Note – It is essential in order to make a good Pilgrimage to receive Absolution and the Most Holy Sacrament.
Wednesday, May 31st
7.00 High Mass with Holy Communion. Altars are provided for Priests from 6 o’clock onwards.
All Priests are asked to bring their own Amice, Alb, Girdle, Cotta and Missal.
10.15 Stations of the Cross, followed by visit to S Giles and the Slipper Chapel, at Houghton. (Invalids and elderly people
desiring cars should notify the Secretary when booking rooms.)
3.00 Intercessions and “bathing” of the sick, followed by conducted visit to the Priory ruins and the mediæval Picenas.
Entrance 6d.
6.00 Rosary and Salve in the Holy House.
7.30 Pontifical Vespers, Sermon and Benediction. Procession to the Holy House, (where Credo, Salve and Te Deum will be
Thursday, June 1st
8.00 Mass with Holy Communion. Private Mass of pilgrim Priests as above.
10.30 Mass with music and last Address. Final visit to the Shrine and blessing of the Pilgrims. Leave Walsingham.
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Messenger 79: 1934
For many years the C.L. has arranged an Annual Pilgrimage to Our Lady’s Shrine at Walsingham, and the usual three day mid-
week Pilgrimage has been the rule. Many members cannot get away at such a time, and, moreover, the expense, £2.12s.6d has
prevented many. It has been decided, therefore, this year to arrange a weekend Pilgrimage, and the date has been fixed for June
16th – 17th. The long days at this time, and we hope, fine weather, should make this a very joyous Pilgrimage, and early notice is
given so that all can book the weekend. The cost is 24/- and the journey will be made by coach unless sufficient numbers are
forthcoming to enable a special train to be chartered. Will all members make a special effort to come, and encourage their friends
also? It should be possible for parties to be arranged from various Churches, and if a sufficiently large party, about 30, came from
any district, a special coach could be arranged to leave at a convenient centre. Full arrangements will be published in the next
Messenger. We shall leave about 2 pm on the Saturday, arriving back about 10.30pm on Sunday. In the meantime, places can be
booked at the C.L. Office or by Pilgrimage Secretary, Walsingham, with a deposit of 2s.0d. (non-returnable).
The Secretary would be very pleased to hear from any priests or laymen who would be prepared to make up a party, and it has
been suggested Chapter Secretaries and others could take in weekly payments toward the cost. Such a method is very popular
with our Roman brethren, and enables many to go to Pilgrimages and Retreats who otherwise could not do so. The RC Pilgrimage
of the unemployed to Rome was made possible by many paying a small sum and the persons who represented them were chosen
by lot. The League will also organise a joint Pilgrimage with the Society of Mary, for the mid-week in June, particulars of which can
be obtained from C.L. Office.
Our annual feast will be on Tuesday, January 30th, this year, as the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes falls on Sunday. We hope there
will be a goodly number at the Mass at 12.15 at St Magnus’, and at the gathering to meet Fr Patten afterwards. Light luncheon will
be obtainable in the Crypt if names are sent in beforehand. The Walsingham Fund is now faced with increased difficulty as we
have to find the stipend of an Assistant Priest, whose help is absolutely necessary if the work is not to collapse. The village, sore-
stricken by the agricultural depression, is doing its best to raise its proportion, while the squire and patron refuses to contribute
the sum given by his predecessor for one of the three parishes for which there is no endowment; the position is made still more
difficult by his withdrawal of the use of the house built for the assistant priest. And it must be remembered that the necessity of
assistance is due not to the parish work, but to the presence of streams of pilgrims and the constant and heavy call made by
them upon the overtaxed time and strength of the parish priest, to whom we all owe so much. The Council of the Walsingham
Fund, confidently, therefore, and urgently, appeal for annual subscriptions, however small, for this fund. Please apply for tickets
for the two concerts in aid of the Fund (see Notices) and bring friends. The tickets are free and there will be a silver collection.
Messenger 80: 1934
We are arranging a weekend Pilgrimage this year instead of the usual one in mid week, full details are on enclosed leaflet together
with application form for intending pilgrims. The Secretary is disappointed that at the time of going to press more applications have
not been received, and hopes that all will seriously consider whether they cannot take advantage of this opportunity specially
arranged at lower cost for those who owing to their work cannot go in the mid-week. All who are working for Catholic Reunion and
who also are connected with this revived Devotion to O.L.O.W. feel more and more that there is an intimate connection between the
two. To men anything approaching the near restoration of the Church in England to the Holy See may seem impossible, but we are
sure that the cause of Reunion is very dear to the Heart of Our Blessed Lady, and we feel that we cannot supplicate her too much
on behalf of this great cause. Therefore we beg all our members who long for this consummation of our work to join us in
pilgrimage to the Shrine of Her choice.
Messenger 82: 1935
The annual festal observance will be on Thursday, February 14th, at St Magnus’, when Solemn Votive Mass of Our Lady will be
celebrated and the Rev A Father Mayhew, Vicar of St Cydrian’s, Clarence Gate, will preach. After Benediction at 1.30, “Friends” are
invited to meet in the Crypt and, we hope meet Fr Hope Patten. Light luncheon will be served. The Walsingham Fund for the
Assistant Priests’ Stipend is overdrawn and in great need; annual subscriptions, however small, are what we chiefly want.
Messenger 83: 1935
The League is organising two Pilgrimages to Walsingham this summer. There will be our usual Whitsun Pilgrimage (Tuesday to
Thursday after Whitsun) and a weekend one, journey by coach, May 18th to 19th. Full particulars enclosed with this Messenger.
Members are again asked to do all in their power to urge friends to join in the Pilgrimages and thus honour Our Blessed Lady in Her
National Shrine. Further leaflets can be had from C.L. Office. It is hoped to arrange a Priests’ Pilgrimage during the summer. Those
interested are asked to write to the Pilgrimage Secretary, the Vicarage, Walsingham.
Messenger 84: 1935
A Pilgrimage for priests only is to be made on Monday, October 14 to October 16, with the intention of a wider revival of the
Catholic Faith and Practices in England and in our own Parishes. It is hoped that most will be able to come by car, and those who
have them or can get the loan of one are invited to give seats to others. The Pilgrimage programme begins at Walsingham at 7 pm
Monday and ends at 9.30 am on Wednesday. Through the very kind generosity of some friends, the cost excluding journey will be
only 10/-. We hope all our priest members will endeavour to take part and make it known to others. 2/6 booking fee should be sent
to the Pilgrimage Secretary, the Vicarage, Walsingham, Norfolk, who will send further particulars. State whether willing to share
room with another.
Messenger 85: 1936
The Priests’ Pilgrimage was held from October 14th to 16th and was well attended by about 35, half of whom had come for the first
time. The addresses were given by Father Fynes-Clinton, and the first Intention was to seek the Divine blessing upon our parishes.
It is hoped that this will be an annual event, and those desiring to receive notices of the next are invited to request them from the
Catholic League Office. This was succeeded by the annual meeting of the Guardians of the Holy House of Walsingham. This is a
body established for the purpose of holding the property of the Shrine and associated works, and for assuring the continuity of the
services of the shrine, in case of a Vicar being appointed who might not be in sympathy. Not yet full in numbers, it is to consist of
12 priest Guardians and 12 lay, under the Master, the present Vicar, who has been presented, as a symbol of his office, with a most
artistic hand-wrought silver cross and chain.
Wilmot Phillips, Priest
So soon after the death of the first Director of our Sodality we mourn the loss of Father Wilmot Phillips who, in spite of ill-health,
undertook and held the office in his place almost exactly for one year. He was ordained priest in 1889; he worked at Brighton and
at St James’s, Edgbaston, and during the pioneer work for the Faith at St Ethelburga’s, Bishopsgate, in the City, from 1894 to 1897,
where he was in the midst of the disgraceful Protestant opposition. After eight years at St Philip’s, Clerkenwell, he was appointed
Rector of Plaxtol, in Kent. He had acted as Master of the Society of Holy Cross, and gave his services ungrudgingly as Retreat
Conductor as well as taking for some years our priests’ monthly Retreats at St Magnus’. His profound theological knowledge was of
the greatest value to us and to a wide circle of priests, and his unending cheerfulness and lovable nature make his loss keenly felt
by all his friends. A solemn Mass of Requiem was celebrated on behalf of the League and Sodality at St Magnus’ on October 29th.
Messenger 90: 1938
A member of the League is providing for the building of one of the side chapels as a Chantry in the new extension of the Shrine of
the Holy House of Walsingham. There are to be 15 Chapels in honour of the Mysteries of the Rosary and this one will be of the
Crucifixion. Other Chapels are being provided by or for the Society of Our Lady of Walsingham, the Scouts, and as Chantries. This
member hopes that the League will accept the offer that this Chapel will be regarded as the Catholic League Chapel, where there
may be celebrated Masses for the League, and Requiems for members endowed. The League has been foremost from the beginning
in supporting the pilgrimages and wonderful work of this National Shrine and it is fitting that we should be among those specially
taking part in thus furthering Her honour. It is proposed by the Committee that the League should erect a statue or picture of its
Patroness, our Lady of Victory, in the Chapel, to identify it with the League and as a sign of its devotion.
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Messenger 92: 1938
As already announced the donor of the Chapel of the Calvary has permission to place in it a Statue of Our Lady of Victory as the
special shrine for the Catholic League in England’s Nazareth. The League was second to the “League of Our Lady,” (now the “Society
of Mary,”) in organising Pilgrimages, and has ever since arranged one or two each year. It is fitting that we should therefore have
our own Shrine there. The Society of Mary will have as its Chapel that of the Annunciation and is providing the Altar and
Ornaments. The Calvary Chapel will have as Patrons, Our Lady and St John, and the title of “Victory” is specially symbolic here in
telling of the Triumph of the Cross and of the Faith. There is also, especially in France, a great devotion to O.L. of Victory in
connection with the conversion of England to the Faith, and with individual conversions. It was for this reason that this was the title
chosen for Our Patroness. The figure preposed will be carved in wood, and coloured; 3ft high and the estimate £32. We hope for a
fine coloured Gothic pedestal for £12: but both depend upon the response made to this appeal for money. Will each member send
something so that we shall be adequately represented among other Catholic Societies?
A weekend Pilgrimage to Walsingham is arranged by the League for July 15th – 17th, specially for those who cannot go in mid-
week. A full notice is enclosed and members are asked to make it known to others. The interest will be great this year in seeing the
completed extension of the Sanctuary.
The dedication of the large extension of the Sanctuary with its fifteen Chapels of the Mysteries of the Rosary will be one of the
historic events in the story of the Catholic revival: a reformation of the Church which must remain incomplete until there be
restored amongst us a true and fervent devotion to our God bestowed Mother. Almighty God has raised up in England in these
times of grievous heresy and apostasy a wonderful sign (that is indeed “spoken against”) of His care and His Revelation, “the
Woman clothed with the Sun” who once appeared in the meadows of Walsingham and today leads her children in ever increasing
thousands to her House “to show unto us the Blessed fruit of her womb, Jesus.” Under God we all owe immeasurable thanks to the
refounder of the Shrine , Father Hope Patten, and his faithful coadjutor Father D Lingwood, and we would offer them our warmest
congratulations in their joy in seeing the crown of their labours in the building of this lovely Shrine. They look for their reward only
in the thronging of Mary’s children and in the constant evidence of the working of Divine Grace among the pilgrims.
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Messenger 93: 1939
The Priests of the Sodality are giving furnishings for the Wilmot Phillips–Arthur Tooth Chantry Chapel in the Sanctuary of Our Lady
of Walsingham as a Memorial and it is thought that some other members of the Catholic League might care to be associated with
them in their gift. The actual nature of the gift will, naturally, depend on the sum received. Some people have expressed a wish
that their donation should be given to Father Limbert, the present Rector of Plaxtol, to assist him to put up a really fitting Memorial
to Father Phillips in the Church where he laboured so faithfully for 27 years. This Memorial consists of beautifying the Sanctuary
and replacing the temporary ornaments by more beautiful ones, thus making permanent what Father Phillips began to do and
hoped to complete.
As already announced the donor of the Chapel of the Calvary has permission to place in it a Statue of Our Lady of Victory as the
special shrine for the Catholic League in England’s Nazareth. The League was second to the “League of Our Lady,” (now the “Society
of Mary") in organising Pilgrimages, and has ever since arranged one or two each year. It is fitting that we should therefore have
our own Shrine there. The Society of Mary will have as its Chapel that of the Annunciation and is providing the Altar and
Ornaments. The Calvary Chapel will have as Patrons, Our Lady and St John, and the title of “Victory” is specially symbolic here in
telling of the Triumph of the Cross and of the Faith. There is also, especially in France, a great devotion to OL of Victory in
connection with the conversion of England to the Faith, and with individual conversions. It was for this reason that this was the title
chosen for Our Patroness. The figure proposed will be carved in wood, and coloured: 3ft high and the estimate £32. The
Canonesses of Our Lady of Victory at Edgware have given £12.10.0 for a carved and coloured Gothic pedestal. Will each member
send something so that we shall be adequately represented among other Catholic Societies?
Messenger 97: 1940
Pilgrimages are being maintained and we feel that the League which was the second society to organise them should not be
behindhand nor drop its annual meed to Our Lady. It would seem best that, as the Society of Mary makes its midweek one in
August, we should again make ours in a weekend. But in view of the difficulties of war time we must be sure of filling a coach,
which would start about 2 pm on Saturday and return Sunday evening. Total charge would be about £1.2.0. Will therefore those
who desire to join in this for August the 31st, write at once to the Pilgrimage Secretary, St Magnus’ Vestry, Lower Thames Street,
EC3. They will be notified as soon as possible whether the coach can be filled.
The Society of Mary has given a most beautiful Retable for its Altar, that of the Annunciation: a replica of a della Robbia in baroque
frame, gold and colour, of the First Mystery. This makes a very striking introduction to the series of the Chapels in the XV Mysteries.
Messenger 99: 1941
What of the Shrine in these days of Stress? I have visited it twice lately: In May for the Installation of Fr Twisaday as Guardian in
place of Fr Deakin, who to the great regret of all has resigned for ill health; and for other business. Then for the Annual Chapter of
the Guardians, who supervise all the accounts and had grave problems to discuss. All is peaceful, beautiful and unscathed. But
beneath there is the canker of financial anxiety. Pilgrims and visitors have almost disappeared, while the main expenses of upkeep,
wages and the Clergy Fund remain to be satisfied.
Briefly the position of (a) of the Clergy Fund is that we owe for:
Overdraft at the Bank £ 58
Bank Loan £ 35
To Secretary and others £ 70
total £163
Our Liabilities are yearly £280
(b) of the Shrine Fund:
Overdraft at the Bank £170
Needed annually for Building Fund, rents, etc £200
For the Children’s Home £460
Most unwillingly we are obliged to beg for help from those already so heavily taxed and finding expenses and calls increasing on
every side, yet all will agree that for the future of the Church in the land, for the conversion of England and for the honour of Mary,
the Shrine of Her Holy House must be maintained “in being” as a centre of faith, prayer and spiritual power. For annual
subscriptions, even the smallest, we are specially grateful and they can be sent to Fr Fynes-Clinton.
The twelve children, rescued from the persecution at St Hilary, are by the generosity of Fr Patten lodged, for economy and for the
safety of the basement at nights, in the Vicarage. They are so happy, they have such an opportunity! Can we let them down?
Pilgrimages to Walsingham, as a closed area, being for the present impossible, the League, as last year, organised with the Society
of Mary a “Spiritual” one, that is a visit to a Shrine with the same intention of honouring God and His Blessed Mother, Our Lady of
Walsingham. On Saturday, June 7th, about 60 gathered at St Stephen’s, Gloucester Road, by the kind invitation of Fr Cheetham,
who gave an address on “Our Lady by the Wayside.” Fr Fynes-Clinton, as Conductor, gave as Intentions Victory, Conversion of
England, and the safety of and blessing on the Holy House. Litany BVM of entry to the beautifully Shrine, Mass, Stations,
Intercessions, drinking of Walsingham waters, Vespers, Benediction, tea: these gave us a reflection of the loved village in Norfolk
and revived such happy memories. The next day there was another pilgrimage at St Colomb’s, Notting Hill: and there is to be one
at St Thomas’, Action Green, W12 on Saturday, July 12th. Any able to attend should send PC to Fr R E Young, there.
Let us all look forward to the National Peace Pilgrimage on – 194--!
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Messenger 70: 1931
In order to promote a greater understanding and enthusiasm among Church people in the matter of
Pilgrimages and especially of that to our own beloved Shrine of England’s Nazareth, the Walsingham
Committee has initiated a plan of Lectures illustrated with Lantern Slides. The first was given in St
Augustine’s Hall, Queen’s Gate, in April. Two Lectures and sets of slides are available for hire, the
first on Pilgrimages in general with pictures of a large number of the greater holy places in Europe
and Palestine: the second on Walsingham. These would be very suitable for parochial and Mary-
Guild meetings, and we hope C.L. priests will help by giving them wherever possible.